Day 13

Back on the trail between PA 944 and cove Mountain shelter. Approach trail to Darlington shelter is magnificent. Long level switchbacks, soft trail well-maintained. The first half of the day was very very pleasant. The last half of the day was pretty rocky. Coming up to the shelter to get to the shelter, there’s almost a 500 foot dissent. The water here is not good. It is another 400 feet dissent down the mountain, it was adequate, but is not running very well.

Tomorrow I plan to hike into Duncannon and resupply, but not stay there. I will hike up to either Clark’s Ferry Shelter, or Peter’s mountain shelter, I don’t know which. Overall, a pleasant day, I’ll be interested to see Duncannon tomorrow.

Today’s mileage: 9.6

Total trail miles: 120.2