Managing Effectively When You’re Working Remotely

Mark Horstman

One of my favorite resources is Manager Tools. I’ve been listening to their management advice for more than 15 years. No matter what the topic, these folks are all about actionable management advice.

This week, MT released a freely available audio podcast on how to manage effectively during a pandemic. Here’s a link to Part 2. I would encourage you to check it out. Some of the larger points included in the cast;

  • Working remotely increases employee’s fear, anxiety, and mistrust.
  • The best way to combat this is through increased communication. You can do this by:
    • Continuing (or starting) weekly one-on-ones with your directs
    • Start a daily 10-minute morning “standup” via video call.
    • Communicate Aggressively
      • video call each of your directs briefly each day
      • don’t settle for text-only communications, even if your direct says it’s what they prefer