French Agreement

Well, the netherworld must be cold today, because I found something on which I agree with the French. This article about banning supermarkets from throwing away food is a wonderful idea and a great use of legislation to help combat hunger, not only in our country, but worldwide.

According to the article, France, which receives top marks for food sustainability, throws away 234 pounds of food per capita per year while the U.S. almost doubles that at 430 pounds per capita per year. Worldwide, we throw away one-third of all food produced. ONE-THIRD!!! How is it that we haven’t addressed this issue?

Certainly, I agree that some food that could be dangerous because of spoilage should not be shared or distributed. But I suspect that’s not the case for a majority of the food tossed. There is a difference between expired and dangerous. I wonder if it’s possible to create legislation that is simple, and could distinguish between them?