• Testing your Home Internet Connection

    Thanks to Beatrice Navarro for researching this guest column about assessing your home Internet connection. One of the most frustrating things that can happen when you’re working from your home is to be in the middle of a video call, perhaps you’re even presenting information, and your connection goes out. Argh! Here are some tips…

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  • ITIL MP Transition Course

    TTI is partnering with Global Knowledge to host an ITILv4 Managing Professional Transition course on October 12-16, 2020. This is an online course offering. The purpose of the course is to transition those of you with ITILv3 Expert certification into the new ITILv4 Managing Professional certification. The cost of the five-day course is $2,300. The…

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  • How will work change?

    How will work change?

    After reading this article in the WSJ today, I was struck by the reason given for missing work; … as the pandemic obliterates any hint of work-life balance, many are seeing the office for what it really was: an escape from domestic life that helped to more fully define them. ​(Feintzeig, 2020)​ Is that what…

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  • I promise I will never again send a link to a “great article” – by itself!

    I found a great article from the Harvard Business Review on managing remote employees effectively. I know what you’re going to say – “I don’t have time to read ‘yet another article’ on what I should do.” I’m with you. I’m getting a bit overwhelmed by the sheer amount of resources that I’m getting. I…

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  • Homemade Mask Resources

    Karen Dixon, Sue Chrysler, Beverly Kuhn, and Kay Fitzpatrick have put together some homemade mask resources. Thanks, TTI Quilters! This is a link to a PDF from the Great Falls Clinic on how to make homemade masks:https://tti-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/d-sweeney_tti_tamu_edu/EblTou2RYFRHmpovNfqBq48B_oP520Wr-lJ0qs4phOujrw?e=VRjBeS Additional instructions from Great Falls: https://www.gfclinic.com/approved-pattern-info-for-homemade-masks/ Other mask-making sites: The Crafty Quilter site has a nice variety of…

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Adaptiman is the nom de plume of David Sweeney – retired CIO/CHRO, father, professor, brewer, and hiker.

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Recent Comments:

  1. I really enjoyed reading this. Uncle Tim sent it to me. I plan to move to Fredericksburg by the end…

  2. This was an extremely interesting read. Thanks for sharing. Another song that comes to mind is Led Zeppelin’s Heartbreaker/ Living…

  3. Liz Galvan on Day 3

    Hi David. Wow, looks like you’ve travelled a lot of miles (25.7) so far. Sorry to hear that you have…