• Two Things To Do When Leading Change

    I was browsing some articles on organizational change and came across this nice summary on Pink Elephant. The statistic that jumped out at me was that 70% of change initiatives fail. The article goes on to assert two main causes for these failures: The change is not started early enough, or is not well managed…

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  • Hanlon’s Razor

    I’ve been thinking a lot lately about Hanlon’s Razor. This adage states that one should never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. I would re-frame stupidity to be ignorance that results in poor communication. Indeed, most people, when kept in the dark about an issue that may affect them, tend to…

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  • Hackers Exploit Post-COVID Return to Work

    As we return to the office, cyber threat actors are changing their tactics as they did during the work from home transition. Here at TTI, we’ve seen a number of these sophisticated attacks that attempt to redirect victims to a site to enter their credentials. But the site is NOT our Microsoft login site. The…

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  • New Features in Teams

    Quite a few folks have told me that they were a little confused the last time they tried to show a PowerPoint display in MS Teams. Recently, the application was upgraded to allow presenters more control over presentation mode than just simply sharing their screen or PowerPoint app. This tutorial by the MS Education Team…

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  • I’m BACK! Now, how do I UN-forward my phone?

    Welcome back to the office. Is your office phone forwarded to your mobile? Did you forget how to “un-forward it?” Here’s a refresher on how to forward and un-forward your office phone.

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Adaptiman is the nom de plume of David Sweeney – retired CIO/CHRO, father, professor, brewer, and hiker.

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Recent Comments:

  1. I really enjoyed reading this. Uncle Tim sent it to me. I plan to move to Fredericksburg by the end…

  2. This was an extremely interesting read. Thanks for sharing. Another song that comes to mind is Led Zeppelin’s Heartbreaker/ Living…

  3. Liz Galvan on Day 3

    Hi David. Wow, looks like you’ve travelled a lot of miles (25.7) so far. Sorry to hear that you have…